About Us

specialized in rehabilitation, training, teaching, and mainstreaming people with special needs.

Our mission

The main mission of the center is to rehabilitate people with disabilities from a social and educational point of view, to be positively productive in society.

Providing support through family counseling for people with disabilities to enable them to be able to deal with people with disabilities properly and appropriately, in order to develop and improve the level of people with disabilities.

Seeking to raise public awareness about different disabilities and ways to deal with them.

Our Vision

Integration of the largest number of people with disabilities into society by relying on themselves, by developing their abilities, by providing an integrated educational environment that enables people with disabilities to reach their full potential, in addition to raising their achievement, social and educational capabilities.


Complete confidentiality of all information of persons with disabilities and their families.

Respect for people with disabilities and their families.

Accepting and respecting individual differences.

The work team is involved and multidisciplinary.

Use scientifically proven strategies.

The Al-Noor Center for Special Education was established and operated in 2017 in the Kingdom of Bahrain in accordance with Law No. (74) of 2006 regarding the care, rehabilitation and employment of the disabled, Resolution No. (64) of 2010 regarding the conditions and procedures for licensing the establishment and operation of rehabilitation centers and institutes, care and accommodation homes and workshops for persons with disabilities.

What is Al Noor Center for Special Education?
Al Noor for Special Education. It is a profitable project that provides all rehabilitation and educational services for people with disabilities to qualify them to integrate into society by providing programs that help them in facing behavioral difficulties, at the hands of qualified​d professionals.

The importance of the project lies in providing appropriate rehabilitation programs for people with disabilities to enable them to integrate and coexist with society. And that is through educational and training programs and services through classroom sessions in the following areas: early intervention, speech and communication, vocational rehabilitation, sports education, art therapy and water therapy, cognitive and cognitive skills development, occupational therapy, behavior modification therapy, e-learning, training and educational programs Globalism